Saturday, 25 October 2008

Sarawak Night 1 (23 October 2008)

Upon arriving in our hotel room, Ka Ying took one look at the suite and exclaimed: "Where's the third room?" Apparently, the living room was considered a bedroom too. We took a piece of paper and tore it into 6 pieces. Then, we drew lots to see where we were going to sleep. Athira and Michelle got the living room. Ka Ying and Marianne got the Master Bedroom. The rest of us were squashed into the extra bedroom.

Michelle conked out as soon as she finished bathing. The rest of us hid in Jinxgirl's bedroom, playing Sleeping Queen and PDQ (Pretty Darn Quick), ignoring the fact that the teachers had told us sternly to GO TO BED AS SOON AS WE HAD SHOWERED OR ELSE.

After a while, we suddenly heard someone knocking on our front door. We stared at each other for a few seconds. It was only then that we realised how much noise we had been making. Hurriedly, we dived onto the beds and pretended to be asleep.

Fortunately, the knocking stopped and we got up again, heaving a sigh of relief. Tiptoeing to the door, Jinxgirl and Marianne peered out. The corridor was empty. Although slightly shaken, we continued our game of Sleeping Queens. Slowly, the noise level started to rise.

5 minutes later, we heard it again. This time, Jinxgirl, who had been looking for her watch in the living room, got a shock and bolted. She accidentally ran into the small table in the living room and panicked even more, dashing into the bedroom and stubbing her toe on her suitcase as she slammed the door shut. Very LOUDLY. "Ow!" she yelled.

"SHHH!!!" came a chorus of 6 voices. Then, the door opened.

"What on EARTH is going on in there? I can't get a wink of sleep with you guys yelling your heads off like that!" a voice snapped. We realised it was Michelle and burst out laughing. The knocking had stopped by this time and we went to investigate. Once again, the corridor was deserted.

A while later, Athira went to the living room to sleep and Hope went onto her bed to sleep. Marianne, Ka Ying, Jinxgirl, Caleb and I decided we still wanted to play, so we went over to the master bedroom and played several rounds of PDQ on Marianne's bed.

Finally, at 2 am on 24 October 2008, we turned in. Ka Ying was on her own bed while Marianne, Jinxgirl, Caleb and I were squashed in Marianne's bed.

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