At first, the prisoners seemed hesitant and didn't smile. However, when we started to do worship with 4-year old Max singing endearingly into the mike, it broke the barrier and the prisoners quickly warmed up to us. Next, we performed the Prodigal Son Skit again. Most of the prisoners were laughing loudly by the end.
Pastor Mike preached about the message of the Prodigal Son after we were done. He had to alter the contents of his speech last minute. However, he did a great job and the prisoners seemed to be lapping up every word.
Joseph and I shared our testimonies to the prisoners after Pastor Mike had finished preaching. The prisoners listened attentively, like schoolchildren attending lessons.
I made my introduction in Khmer without the interpreter's help ( Jum Ream Suor, K'nyom Chmuo Janelle. K'nyom Ar Yuk Dorb Bpee: Greetings, my name is Janelle. I am 12 years old.) They were amazed and clapped loudly. I realised that to be effective in communication, you need to be able to speak the other person's language. That way, they will respect you more and listen to you more carefully.
I was a bag of nerves on stage. Fortunately, I managed to complete my testimony without stumbling. Thank God!
We were originally supposed to visit Michael House, a children's home, but there are no children there yet so we returned to the hotel early.
We had dinner at a La Mian Restaurant. It was delectable and very filling.
Here ends our mission work. The rest of the trip is for sightseeing.
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